Zhen Yuen
St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge.

Hi there. I am Zhen Yuen, an incoming final year undergraduate majoring in computer engineering and information theory with a minor in Finance under the HKU-Cambridge Joint Recruitment Scheme. If you would like to know me more, do check out my latest blog post on my reflections as a software engineering intern.
My undergraduate thesis at HKU was titled Solving Inverse Problems in Compressive Imaging with Score-Based Generative Models, which was recently accepted (pending release) by the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA’ 2023) and was awarded the HKU Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG). I am looking forward to working on Lévy State Space models for object tracking and implementing them in the open-source Stone Soup framework as my final year project at the University of Cambridge.
Currently, I am employed at Visa as an software engineering intern in the Open VisaNet (OVN) Tools team, where I am responsible for building various tools to assist our developers at OVN. One example is a self-hosted, scalable LLM as a service equipped with internal developer documentations as its primary knowledge base. Previously, I was an part-time undergraduate at ARM Ltd under the GPU Build Systems and DevOps division.
My academic interests includes computer hardware, low-level software and optimization, machine learning and quantitative finance. There is still plenty of work to be done with my website, so stay tuned :)